A one pot thai

First things first Becksie has survived the day without any further fruit based injuries – phew!

thai 8Secondly today started with a very pleasing visit from our postman! A surprise package for Beckise – ooooo and it turned out to be…. A book and gift set all about preserving from Becksie’s lovely Aunty Eluned! The post it said ‘saw this and thought of you’! Not only does it contain a recipe book but it also contains spotty fabric jam jar covers – so so lovely! Thank you Aunty Eluned (an avid blog reader) and watch out good folk for some preserving posts asap! First on the hit list homemade sweet herby mustard! Wow!

So tonight’s tea needed to be something easy, quick(ish) and something tasty! And as we got some lovely oyster sauce, soy sauce, coconut milk and a bunch of coriander in this week’s shop thai food seemed like the obvious direction!

thai 2However before we get onto the recipe just a quick showcase of our uber productive windowsill – including our celery babies!

thai 1

If you fancy having at go at this one pot thai here is what we did:

Preheat the oven to 190c. Slice thinly an assortment of market veggies – we used some butternut squash, some carrot, spring onions, cherry tomatoes, cabbage and courgette (we sliced our courgettes with a vegetable peeler).

thai 3

thai 6So fry the onions, carrot and butternut squash in a little sesame seed oil until slightly soft. Add some chicken thighs (you could use breasts but…. thighs are much much cheaper and in Team Pugh’s opinion much tastier).

thai 4Then add to the pot some sliced lemongrass, a few kaffir lime leaves (we are low on these and will need to find a non-supermarket supplier very soon), chili to taste, chopped coriander,some grated ginger, a glug of soy sauce, a good glug of oyster sauce, a small tin of coconut milk then fill the tin with water twice and add this! Ensure the chicken is covered with liquid and bake for about 35 minutes without a lid.

thai 5

When the chicken has been in for 30 minutes get some rice on the go.  After another 5 minutes take the pot out of the oven, taste the liquid – we added more soy sauce, a little seasoning and some more chili.

thai 7Then on top of the broth put the finely shredded cabbage, cherry tomatoes, more fresh coriander and the finely sliced courgette (do not mix up). Place a lid on the pot and put back in the oven for about another 8 – 10 minutes. By which time your rice should be ready! Take the pot out of the oven and stir the veggies into the sauce. Serve!

thai 9

We found this made a really nice subtle flavoured broth and the chicken thighs melted in the mouth! Delicious!

8 thoughts on “A one pot thai

  1. We buy frozen kaffir lime leaves from our local Chinese shop. Much cheaper, plentiful and better than the few dried ones we used to buy in a jar from the supermarket.

  2. James Wong suggests growing your own Kaffir Lime tree as a patio plant that you bring in during the summer (I think it’s quite small!) I’m quite tempted to try it if I can find one for sale somewhere.

    Glad your hand is okay. I did the same thing once and ended up with the knife stuck in between 2 fingers! No blood but I felt rather peculiar… I always use a big knife now- the little blade just bounced off the stone.

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